Australian Marathon Record Holder Andy Buchanan shares some of his top tips to help optimise your race day experience
1. Preparation
This is found in the months of training that you have already completed - listen to yourself, you have already completed - workout after workout - rest in the confidence of the runs you have done. For me this includes practicing race day fuelling, what I'll be eating and when. This also includes race day mentality, what I'll be telling myself when the race gets tough and practising how I want to feel at those points in the race.
2. Have a plan
Having a plan for the race is something you can control when many factors are out of your control (weather, pacing groups, traffic) be sure to have an open mind and be adaptable, things will pop up that are out of your control - you might (like me) miss a drink station be flexible as the race unfolds and come back to the bones of your race plan as much as possible (you'll get the next drink).
3. Familiarity
Where possible surround yourself with your favourite people and familiar things. This helps me to relax, often travelling for a race can involve many unfamiliarities, weird smells, weird food and a strange mattress. I need to be as relaxed as possible come race day finding some level of familiarity whether it be talking to people back home, listening to my favourite music or watching Brooklyn 99.
4. Nothing new
I know you have probably heard it before but there is a good reason for it. Never try anything new on race day. This reinforces all my other points about preparation, having a plan and familiarity.
5. Find your 'why'
Remember why you are doing this, remember why you started and where you want to go. Knowing your 'why' will make the process that much more enjoyable.
Photo: Teun Joseph